Midwest Tour

A massive thanks to everyone who came to see us, made time for coffee, purchased yarns, and to the shops who let us visit with our yarns... THANK YOU!!!

You can still find our yarns at The Yarnery in Saint Paul, MN and our newest Stockist Skeins On Main in Rochester, MI. And be on the look out for some new Stockists in the Indianapolis area!!!

Our Mission:

At Viking Fiber Co, we believe that every stitch is a step into the unknown, every project a new chapter in your creative journey. Our mission is to unravel the threads of creativity and embark on a vibrant journey through the world of fiber arts. We believe in cultivating an atmosphere of exploration and adventure, where every product tells a unique tale of color, texture, and inspiration.

 Inspired by the daring spirit of Vikings, we seek to unravel the endless possibilities within the world of fiber arts. We commit to providing a kaleidoscope of premium fiber products that spark the imagination and encourage artists to venture even deeper into their crafts. Join us on this expedition into the boundless landscape of fiber arts.

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